Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Views about HighCharts JS

Topics covered :
  • What is HighCharts,
  • HighCharts Customer
  • Adding Charts to Your Site with Highcharts
  • What Is Fascinating About Highcharts?
  • Which Chart to Use When?
  • Anatomy of Highcharts

-----------------------HighCharts ---------------------------------

Highcharts is a pure JavaScript based charting library meant to enhance web applications by adding interactive charting capability. Highcharts provides a wide variety of charts. For example, line charts, spline charts, area charts, bar charts, pie charts and so on. 

HighCharts Customer : 
Get access to data on 187,125 websites that are Highcharts Customers. We know of 43,055 live websites using Highcharts and an additional 144,070 sites that used Highcharts historically and 642 websites in India.  

Adding Charts to Your Site with Highcharts

Everyone deals with data and very often it is presented in large data tables. Representing and reading through long tables on a website can be very cumbersome. Charts are good for letting people understand the change and tendency behind data. 
Recently, when I was trying to find an easy way to insert an interactive chart on a website, I found Highcharts and I have been using it in various projects ever since. 
Throughout this series of articles, we're going to take a survey of Highcharts, why it's great, and how we can implement it in our own web-based projects.
  • It's interactive. You can mouse over an item for more details and you can also click on items in the chart legend to turn them on and off. 
  • Compatibility. It's based on JavaScript, it renders in a web browser, so even IE 6 or an iPad can show you those beautiful charts. Highcharts utilizes other JS frameworks such as jQuery, MooTools, Prototype or Highcharts Standalone framework. You need one of the libraries and highcart.js to create charts.
  • Many-many chart types. Highcharts supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange and polar chart types. We'll see examples for the most commonly used ones: column, bar, line and pie charts.
  • Feeding Highcharts is easy. Highcharts can load data from local data, local files or even from a remote server. It can take parsed data from CSV, JSON, XML files or any other database.
  • Save or print your charts. One of the surprising feature I found is that you can print or export the chart you currently see. One can save a chart as PDF, JPG, PNG or SVG file.
  • Easy to set up, tuning is not a problem. Add a few lines of code and your data and charts will draw. With its well written user documentation and API reference, beginners won't get lost and experienced developers are welcome.
  • Flexible license. Using Highcharts is free for non-commercial sites and prices are flexible for commercial projects.
  • Theme-able. At the moment, there are four predefined modern-looking themes or you can make your very unique one with some taste and CSS-knowledge.
Before using Highcharts the first time, let's see which chart type to use in common tasks.
Bar charts and column charts are similar in a way that each uses long rectangles to compare multiple values, but their difference lies in the orientation of their graph. Bar charts are horizontally oriented and column charts are vertical. 
In my simple example, I compare an imaginary web shop's sales by source in a monthly distribution (comparing each month's sale with each other). As you can see below, if you want to compare only a small amount of data, and the bar chart fits on the screen with which you're currently working, then your best bet is to go with the bar chart. 
In contrast, you should use column charts if you have vertical limitation such as with landscape-oriented screens. See comparison below.
Bar chart vs column chart

Line charts represent information with the series of data points and straight lines. They show particular data changes at equal intervals of time. It is often used to visualize trend in a time series. 
In my example, I use the same data table as I used below to compare multiple data sets. As you can see, it is easy to compare the sales source trending of the previous months.
Highcharts line chart example
Pie charts are circular charts divided into sectors where each sector shows the relative size of each value. They are useful when you want to compare data which are part of the whole. Each pie slice represents its numerical value of the sum. 
In my example, I show the distribution of different source type sales of a given period.
Highcharts pie chart example
In order to understand the following code examples, you need to know the basic concepts that make up Highcharts.
Highcharts anatomy
These are the primarily parts of a chart:
  • Title displays the name of a chart on top
  • Subtitles are placed right under the title
  • Series refers to one or more data series presented on a chart
  • Tooltips are descriptions of particular data displayed by hovering over part of a chart
  • Legend displays the name and/or the symbol of each series on a chart. By clicking on the name of the series in a legend, one can enable or disable the series.
  • Print and download let's users print or export the chart. 

Source From : 

Google Chrome Browser : Turn off Auto Filling of username in the Textbox

The auto filling of username in our application search box is due to last upgrade by google chrome updates. [Please see below image].

We found the solution to turn off the auto filling in the search box. If any of your application has same issue. Please use the below code in your project.

<form autocomplete="off">
   <!-- Your design and Content here -->

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

To prevent caching in Internet Explorer

The following 3 ways to prevent caching in the Internet Explorer.
  • In Controller 
  • AJAX 

HTTP-EQUIV META Tags : HTML pages allow for a special HTTP-EQUIV form of the META tag that specifies particular HTTP headers from within the HTML document. Here is a short example HTML page that uses both Pragma: no-cache and Expires: -1:<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>
  • Pragma: no-cache prevents caching only when used over a secure connection. A Pragma: no-cache META tag is treated identically to Expires: -1 if used in a non-secure page. The page will be cached but marked as immediately expired.
  • Cache-Control META HTTP-EQUIV tags are ignored and have no effect in Internet Explorer versions 4 or 5. To use Cache-Control this header must be specified using HTTP headers as described in the Cache-Control section above.
  • Note that the use of standard HTTP headers are much preferred over META tags. META tags typically must appear at the top of the HTML HEAD section. And there is at least one known problem with the Pragma HTTP-EQUIV META tag.

In Controller - ASP.NET : 
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public abstract class BaseController : Controller


$.ajax({    url: '/controller/action',    type: 'GET',    cache: false,    success: function(result) {

how to return back to last visited URL using Javasscript

function CancelSave() {
           var per = document.referrer;
           window.location.href = per;
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Go To Previous Page</a>

Ajax Post : AddAntiForgeryToken

When you add <%Html.AntiForgeryToken(); %> _RequestVerificationToken value will automatically be added to the data that you sent back in the POST request. There is nothing else that needs to be done. First check in the POST data, if you see that value or not.

 <a class="delete-link btn btn-danger btn-sm" style="color:white" data-delete-id="@Model.Studen_Sno">Delete</a>
Jquery : 
$(function () {
        AddAntiForgeryToken = function (data) {
            data.__RequestVerificationToken = $('input[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
            return data;

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

5 Best Online Communities for Programmers and Developers

With the abundance of information and sources, sometimes, make things a little bit confusing. Moreover, the creation of social media and sites as well as online communities made our life less boring. With these, we can get a lot of data and help from other people all over the world, from professionals up to the ordinary people who experienced the same scenarios, you can find them online.
One if the blessings to all the programmers and developers are the online communities available at the tip of their hands. These trusted online communities have gathered helpful information that can help people in need. Below, we listed top 5 best online communities for programmers and developers.

5 Best Online Communities for Programmers and Developers

1. Stack Overflow


StackOverflow was created by Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood and launched on September 15, 2008 (9 years ago). Stack Overflow features questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming.
The website serves as a platform for users to ask and answer questions through membership and active participation, to vote questions and answers up or down and edit questions and answers in a fashion similar to a wiki or Digg. As of April 2014, Stack Overflow has over 4 million registered users, and it exceeded 10 million questions in late August 2015.
StackOverflow is the ideal place to ask or search for questions regarding day to day problems you face in computer science. Check our list of best websites to learn programming online.

2. Reddit

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called “subreddits”, which cover a variety of topics including news, science, movies, video games, music, books, fitness, food, and image-sharing. Reddit was founded by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian on June 23, 2005.
As of February 2018, Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors (234 million unique users), ranking as the number four most visited website in the United States and number six in the world.
For programmers, there are subreddits related to programming, development, Software engineering, programming languages, and IT companies.

3. Hacker news

hacker news

Hacker news was Founded in March 2005 by Paul Graham, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris and Trevor Blackwell. It is a social news website that focuses on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham’s investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator.
It is very similar to Reddit but on Reddit where new users can immediately both up-vote and down-vote content, Hacker News does not allow users to down-vote content until they have accumulated 501 “karma” points. Karma points are calculated as the number of upvotes a given user’s content has received minus the number of downvotes.”Flagging” comments is also permitted until a user has 30 karma points.

4. Quora

quora logo
Founded on June 2009, Quora was made available to the public on June 21, 2010, by the founders Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever, Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users. Users can collaborate by editing questions and suggesting edits to answers that have been submitted by other users.

5. GitHub

github logo
GitHub (originally known as Logical Awesome LLC) is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is mostly used for computer code. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.
GitHub was founded on February 8, 2008 (10 years ago) with founders, Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath and PJ Hyett.
GitHub offers plans for both private repositories and free accounts which are commonly used to host open-source software projects. It is the largest open source community in the world. There are millions of open source projects on GitHub. You can either Join one or start your own.


These are the best online communities for programmers and developers. These communities greatly helped professionals as well as newbies in the field of computer science giving varied advice and a lot of people to talk to. Surely, this is one of the best things that happened in the online community, being able to help and share with others and gaining friends with the same interests all over the world as well.
Source from :

Monday, 2 April 2018

5 Best Websites By Google for Programmers and Developers

Google has been promoting computer science for a long time. It has a team of world’s top-class IT professionals and programmers. On many occasion, Google has pledged to provide digital skills training and developer programs worldwide and they’ve fulfilled the promise in many areas. Especially, when it comes to the online education and training, Google has done a much better job.
In this article, I am going to mention 5 best websites created by Google to help programmers and developers to learn, create and practice coding online.

1. Google Developers Training

Google developers training-compressed

Google Developers Training website provides educational resources and certification exams for developers to Learn and grow. It has various mobile and web developer training courses along with certifications such as Associate Android Developer, Mobile Web Specialist, Google Cloud Certified – Professional Cloud Architect etc. It also provides various programs for entrepreneurs and universities.
When you pass a certification exam, Google stores your certificate, badge, or other digital marks in a central, verifiable location. You can include your digital mark in your email signature and embed it on sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

2. Google CS Education

google cs education-compressed
Google CS education website is created to help millions of students and educators to develop their technical skills. The website lists all Google programs to support & encourage students and train and prepare educators. It also mentions all the conducted and supported research to identify strategies for improving perceptions of computer science and broaden learning opportunities for all student.

3. Tech Dev Guide

Tech Dev Guide by google for developers-compressed
Google’s Tech Dev Guide website helps you to grow your technical skills.  Whether you’re a student or an educator, newer to computer science or a more experienced coder, or otherwise interested in software engineering, there’s something for you here in Google’s Guide to Technical Development. It is a collection of material from many sources, including Google, that you can use to supplement your classwork or direct your own learning.

4. Google Open Source

Google Open Source Plateform for developers-compressed
Google Open Source is a new website by Google to encourage Free and open source software. The website ties together all of Google’s initiatives with information on how Google use, release, and support open source. This website basically showcases the Google’s love for open source programs. It contains the list of Google’s open source programs and supported organizations. It also contains a look under the hood at how Google “do” open source.
Google have released thousands of projects under open source licenses ranging from larger products like TensorFlowGo, and Kubernetes to smaller projects such as Light My PianoNeuroglancer, and Some are projects are fully supported while others are experimental or just for fun.

5. Made with Code

MadeWithLove - Google project for teen girl developers-compressed is a Google’s initiative to inspire teen girls to take their first step in code and to see technology as a means to pursue their dream. It contains various online activities, resources, and mentor videos. Some of its projects are totally based on the currently popular trends such as SnapChat Geofilter, Wonder Woman, Code For Equality etc. Other projects such as making Led Dress, Emojis and avatars are actually fun for a teen girl.

Source from :

Sunday, 1 April 2018

How to Estimate Bandwidth Needs for Your Customers

How to Estimate Bandwidth Needs for Your Customers
When it works, you never hear a peep about it. But when bandwidth problems start to plague a residential or business customer, you’re probably the next person being called right beside the ISP themselves. An interesting piece on this dilemma recently showed up on Ars Technica which rounded out the bandwidth debate among technicians pretty well. Insight from various tech workers is sampled, and they all gladly describe their complacency or (more commonly) displeasure with internet speed being delivered to their workplace. What constitutes “enough” bandwidth one may ask?

That precise question is a tough one to answer. I’m fairly certain that a decent majority of techs reading this would say that “no news is good news” when it comes to a sufficient WAN connection for a given customer. For those of us in the States, this should come as no surprise, since we rank a paltry 26th in a recently released study of global average connection speeds. According to the study, funded by media distribution giant Pando Networks, the typical “broadband” connection in the USA stands at around 616Kbps. That’s only roughly 11 times faster than the best 56K connections of yesteryear. Even in the age of Comcast offering low income families access to 1.5Mbps service for $10/month, the majority of Americans probably have no clue what a “Comcastic” internet connection is.
What does a typical home or office WAN connection need in terms of bandwidth anyway? If there is a silver bullet answer for this question, I’d love to know about it. The way we consume the modern internet pipeline is vastly different from what we used to do back in the late ’90s. AOL was used by a good majority of Americans, Yahoo was still the hottest thing since sliced bread, and email was still a novel nicety, not necessarily a necessity yet.
Streaming music and video, constant social media, and Web 2.0 (er, now Web 3.0 perhaps) have transformed the web from a text driven experience to a full blown multimedia haven. Not to mention how rapidly new age cloud-based services are pushing the envelope on bandwidth needs. Google AppsOffice 365, and Salesforce are all excellent platforms – as long as you have the juice to supply them appropriately.
While the discussion doesn’t come up too often for residential customers of my company FireLogic, business offices are increasingly turning their sights onto Google Apps and Office 365 for email and collaboration platforms. But don’t count the residential user out by a long shot. They’re sucking down bandwidth quite heavily between Netflix, Pandora, and all of the online game services from PlayStation Network to Xbox Live. Estimating based on professional experience is how I handle a good portion of customers who inquire about what they need for bandwidth. But if you don’t have that background to be able to shoot from the hip with a good estimate, luckily I’ve compiled some decent sources to help out. Here are my best guidelines for recommending bandwidth needs for your customers.

Residential Customers: A Fairly Easy Crowd to Satisfy

Business bandwidth needs can get complex pretty quickly, so let’s start off with the easier clients. Residential customers have pretty straightforward needs most of the time (outside of those power users who need to stand out.) The things most residential customers care about (in general; not conclusive by any means):
  • Regular internet browsing
  • Social media
  • Email & instant messaging
  • Streaming video, music
  • Online gaming (i.e. Xbox Live)
  • Smartphone connectivity over Wi-Fi
The above list doesn’t represent anything too crazy, and is generally what I encounter onsite. But while bandwidth needs for a 1998-era internet were quite forgiving, today we have to account for many more variables such as:
  • How much streaming video is being accessed on a daily basis?
  • How many people are downloading music or streaming Pandora?
  • How many simultaneous users will be on at peak hours?
  • Are there multiple online gamers in the home?
  • Is VOIP in the form of Vonage or similar being used?
All of these variables need to be taken into account to avoid the snags commonly experienced by an underwhelming WAN connection. While there is no great formula for determining residential WAN overhead, has a pretty spot-on table showing what speed levels are accurate depending on general needs. I’ll go a step further to qualify the table and say that in general, a 2-4 person family without heavy gamers or media streamers can get away with the 3-4Mbps connection level. Add on a few more family members or heavy gamers/media types, and I’d likely look towards a 5-9Mbps or higher connection. Reference the table on their site to see where an average residence may fall depending on usage scenario.

Business Customers: Bandwidth Hungry and Tough to Predict

The types of businesses I am referring to in this quick guide are home offices, small businesses and midsize businesses. Enterprise level internet setups follow similar parameters but generally have professionals that gauge needs with a lot more accuracy. What we’re after here is more of a guiding principle for how to evaluate what an office would likely need in bandwidth. And don’t think that getting this estimation right on the first try is always a piece of cake; many times, you may have to adjust a bandwidth subscription level depending on real life usage testing.
Offices represent a different kind of beast in comparison to residential internet customers. Social media and streaming video are still bandwidth hogs, but in most cases those can and should be controlled to certain degrees. Today’s office workers are embedded heavily in some of the following internet-centric tasks:
  • Email (and lots of it)
  • Cloud services (hosted email, hosted accounting, hosted CRM, etc)
  • Online banking
  • Online research
  • VOIP in place of PBX phone systems
  • Downloading/uploading large files
  • Online backup
While resources are still scant on how to properly estimate this with 100% accuracy, I’ve dug up a few online outlets that offer documentation. Microsoft released an overly technical brief on the matter of bandwidth estimation that is available online, but to be honest, save yourself the headache and check out a streamlined alternative that summarized the theories. Since both websites focus on email “consumption” as the basis for their calculations, I’m going to extend the scope and bring in some real world considerations:
  • Is VOIP in use at the office, and how many users are on it?
  • How much email is being sent & received per day per user?
  • Is cloud email like Google Apps being used?
  • Are other cloud services like Salesforce or Quickbooks Online used?
  • What is the office culture on streaming media usage like?
  • Is content filtering an option, or off the table?
  • Are any public facing web servers hosted internally?
  • Are social media outlets open for usage or banned?
  • Does online backup (i.e. CrashPlan) play a role in core backup needs?
The above items of interest all play key roles in how much bandwidth a company may require. The recommended site I linked to provides a simple way to calculate bandwidth needs in the form of:
N x T = BN
umbers of users (x) Traffic estimate based on usage weight = Bandwidth Needed
Some decent examples on the page above provide insight as to what they consider “light” and “medium” and “heavy” users. However, seeing as weights were considered only dependent on email needs, they are deceiving for what the modern office worker slurps from the fat pipe. I’d be as liberal to say that the following user weight groups are appropriate today:
  • Light user: 50Kbps
  • Medium user: 80Kbps
  • Heavy user: 120 Kbps
So for example, an office may have a mixture of users. This hypothetical company is comprised of 20 users. 5 heavy users who are the big whigs, 5 medium users who are the admin assistants and related positions. The remaining 10 users are light office workers who only use email. We would setup our estimate calculation in the following manner:
  • 5 (heavy users) x 120 (Kbps usage weight) = 600Kbps
  • 5 (medium users) x 80 (Kbps usage weight) = 400Kbps
  • 10 (light users) x 50 (Kbps usage weight) = 500Kbps
  • Bandwidth Needed = 1500Kbps or 1.5Mbps
The above numbers may even be a tad conservative. So many factors could inflate bandwidth needs like the number of VOIP connections being used at a time to how many large emails are being sent and received in chunks of time. Issues with bandwidth usage spikes are frequent in office settings, where peak usage may be horrendous during mid-day hours and level off in the morning and afternoon. Real life situations vary from customer to customer so don’t hold my generalities as rule of thumb../;
You may even want to multiply my usage weights above by a degree if you feel that they are too conservative. There is no exact science to these calculations. Network baselining may provide better insight into usage but even then professional judgement is key. And for those that want a simpler way to approach estimation of bandwidth, put together a simple calculator that can plug and chug variables and spit out a figure. It may not be a bad idea to average out what both listed routes above provide for estimates. Second opinions are insightful with such imperfect science.
Keep in mind that bandwidth estimation for customers is tough to perfect but becoming ever moreso necessary. The white lie of “enough bandwidth” is just that: most of the time, customers need to settle on a happy medium of cost vs needs. Your job as the technician is to properly consult them on their needs and recommend quality, cost effective solutions.