Monday, 2 June 2014


Metadata is "data about data". 
The term is ambiguous, as it is used for two fundamentally different concepts (types). 
  • Structural metadata is about the design and specification of data structures and is more properly called "data about the containers of data"; 
  • descriptive metadata, on the other hand, is about individual instances of application data, the data content.

It provides information about a certain item's content.
The main purpose of metadata is 
  • to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information, 
  • more often classified as resource discovery.

Metadata also helps 
  • organize electronic resources, 
  • provide digital identification, and 
  • helps support archiving and
  •  preservation of the resource.

Metadata assists in resource discovery by "allowing resources to be found by relevant criteria, identifying resources, bringing similar resources together, distinguishing dissimilar resources, and giving location information."
 For example, 
  • An image may include metadata that describes how large the picture is, the color depth, the image resolution, when the image was created, and other data.
  •  A text document's metadata may contain information about how long the document is, who the author is, when the document was written, and a short summary of the document.

Web pages often include metadata in the form of meta tags. Description and keywords meta tags are commonly used to describe the Web page's content. Most search engines use this data when adding pages to their search index.
Source from :

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Bharat Operating System Solutions(BOSS)

Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS) is a free and open source GNU/Linux distribution developed by the National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software (NRCFOSS) of India.
 BOSS GNU/Linux is also known by the acronym BOSS. The latest version is 5.0 .
This software package has been described as "India's own PC operating system" and "the most meaningful product to come out of the Indian software industry in decades — and a work that a government department had done".
The software has also been endorsed by the Government of India for adoption and implementation on a national scale. It was developed at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Chennai INDIA. 
BOSS GNU/Linux is an "LSB certified" Linux distribution: 
The software has been certified by the Linux Foundation for compliance with the Linux Standard Base standard.
 BOSS GNU/Linux is derived from Debian GNU/Linux.
BOSS GNU/Linux has had five major releases till February 2011
VersionCode nameKernel numberDesktopDate of release
BOSS GNU/LinuxEvaluationSethu2.6.14-2-smpGNOME 2.8
BOSS GNU/Linux v1.0Tarang2.6.17-1-i386GNOME 2.14
BOSS GNU/Linux v2.0Anant2.6.21-1-486GNOME 2.18
BOSS GNU/Linux Server2.6.21Jan 2008
BOSS GNU/Linux v3.0Tejas2.6.22-3-486GNOME 2.20 and KDE 3.5Sep 2008
BOSS GNU/Linux v4.0Savir2.6.32-5-686GNOME 2.30.2 and KDE 4.4.5Feb 2011
BOSS GNU/Linux v5.0Anokha3.10GNOME 3.4.2KDE 4.8.4 and Xfce 4.8August 2013
Source from :