Sunday, 26 June 2016

12 Time-Saving Bootstrap Examples

A compact login and registration form in a modal. Perfect for “please log in to continue” pop-ups .

A cool structure for showing events chronologically in a clear and understandable way.

A well designed elegant layout for a pricing table with icons, buttons and highlighting.

Responsive forum topics template that utilities Bootstrap’s classes very well to create this clean layout with only 5 lines of additional CSS selectors.

A well organised resume with separated topics, progress bars and social media buttons.

A small form for online purchase information. Keep in mind, this is only an HTML snippet and there is no card number validation.
Credit Card Form
This snippet features responsive panels with smooth, CSS only, on-hover effects.
Compact pricing tables with different color variations that are easy to customize and adapt to your design.

A log in / register form with separate tabs for each and a payment section. No validation provided.

A compact twitter feed with a form for new posts and a list of tweets.

A bootstrap navigation bar example where the logo changes size on window scroll. Although this example uses bootstrap components for the layout, all the actual work is done via JavaScript, so make sure you insert that into your code.

A nice little cats portfolio demonstrating Bootsrap’s modal functionality.

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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Google Introduces ‘Project Bloks’ to Encourage Kids to Code

Google Introduces 'Project Bloks' to Make Coding Easy for Kids

Google Introduces ‘Project Bloks’ to Make Coding Easy for Kids
Google is passionate about empowering children to create and explore with technology and wants to help teach kids how to code. So they created a Project Blocks a tangible programming and built a working prototype with it.

Google Introduces ‘Project Bloks’ to Encourage Kids to Code

Google is passionate about empowering children to create and explore with technology and if we talk about coding then Google wants children to learn the new language for creative expression. Therefore, Google has unveiled a Project Bloks that helps them learn to code.
Google Introduces 'Project Bloks' to Make Coding Easy for Kids
Google Introduces ‘Project Bloks’ to Make Coding Easy for Kids
Google wants to create a system for “tangible programming” that would help Kids develop computational thinking and it was named as “Project Bloks” Google said in a blog “we’ve created a system for tangible programming and built a working prototype with it. We’re sharing our progress before conducting more research over the summer to inform what comes next.”
Another important factor that encourages learning is to involve the use of hands. It is the most natural form of interaction with the environment and our first way of knowing the world around us. In which the Google said “Children naturally play and learn by using their hands, building stuff and doing things together. Making code physical – known as tangible programming – offers a unique way to combine the way children innately play and learn with computational thinking”
 Project Bloks is an open hardware platform that gives developers, designers, and testers everything they need so they can develop physical experiences coding for children. Google said “The Project Bloks system is made up of three core components the “Brain Board”, “Base Boards” and “Pucks”. When connected together they create a set of instructions which can be sent to connected devices, things like toys or tablets, over wifi or Bluetooth.
Google said that the project is still in research phase and they are working to build up the project, get more partners on board and it is expected to become a powerful toy platform that parents are sure to get to know.

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Guidelines for Testing Front-end Web Components

In the world of front-end web development, testing is not espoused like it is with traditional programming languages such as C, Java, etc... There may be several reasons for this. Testing is often perceived as a time consuming and a difficult task. Moreover, a lot of developers are simply unsure on how to go about testing a site. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, and this is not only specific to testing. In this article we'll learn how to test the various front-end components of a website using a variety of free tools.

What to Test

Every site has three major front-end components:
  • HTML: the content
  • CSS: formatting
  • JavaScript: behaviors
In addition to testing each of the above pieces individually, you should test any interactive parts using User Interface (UI) Testing.

HTML Validation

HTML markup has one purpose: to present content within a web page. Sounds simple, but typos and using non-standard tags can both hamper this goal. Therefore, you'd be well advised to run your markup through an HTML validator. And who better to trust with this task than the W3C? You can submit pages to their validator via URL, upload, or by pasting it in directly. You have the option of highlighting offending lines in the source, outline, and an image report. It will then present you with a list of errors and warnings that you can either choose to fix or ignore. Messages may be filtered for easier reading or to remove those that have been addressed before revalidating.
You should also run your code through Web Accessibility Tool. These target specific issues affecting people with visual and mobility challenges. has a list of tools to choose from.
Beyond the generic validation, you may want to review the code to see if it meets your company's development standards. This is typically achieved using peer reviews.

CSS Validation

This is where the rubber really hits the road. Being responsible for the look of your site, a lot of emphasis has to be placed on CSS validation and testing.
In fact, there are four distinct aspects of you CSS code that should be tested.


Just like HTML, CSS has to be validated for syntax errors.
Once again, W3C has just the thing. Their CSS Validation Service works just like HTML validator. The only catch is that the file must CSS code, so an HTML document with STYLE tags will also work, but the validator won't follow LINK tags.

Enforcing Project Standards

Again, you may want to review the code to see if it meets your company's development standards using peer reviews.

Cross-browser Compatibility Testing

If you've been designing and/or developing front-end web components for any length of time, you already know how much a web page's appearance can vary between browsers. To verify that pages render as expected across various browsers, there's no substitute for manual, visual inspection. Rather than try to virtualize every platform and device, I recommend taking advantage of online emulators like Browsershots or Browserstack. Browsershots is particularly convenient because it generates multiple screenshots of your Web design in different operating systems and browsers. When you submit a URL, it will be added to the job queue. Then, a number of distributed computers open the page in their browser and upload screenshots for you to compare and review.

Regression Testing

In the realm of traditional software and web content, a regression occurs when functionality stops working as expected after a certain event. The event in question might be a code or content change, as well as an external event, such as servers going offline, Y2K, or daylight savings time. In terms of CSS, you might make a change to a CSS rule thinking that it will only affects a specific component. It's only once the site is live that the client reports that components on an entirely different page don't look right anymore. Refactoring an inherited site or just working with a team can both exasperate the problem.
The solution is to run through your site, take screenshots of various components, and then compare those screenshots against a baseline. You could do this manually, but it's a whole lot more efficient to employ an automated tool. Popular ones include PhantomCSSSUCCSS, andSelenium.
Although there is a significant learning curve to getting your tests set up, but once that hurdle has been cleared, your tests will operate in a consistent and repeatable manner.

JavaScript Unit Testing

Generally speaking, the goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable code in the application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and verify that it behaves exactly as you expect. Each unit is tested separately before integrating it into larger modules that test their interactions. In practice, each function tends to become a target of one or more unit tests. If the function accepts arguments, there should be at least one positive test for valid data and some negative tests for invalid data.
There are several excellent unit testing tools for JavaScript to choose from, including Jasmine,QUnit, and UnitJS, to name but a few. Most JS unit testing frameworks fun within a browser, while others, such as Karma, may be run within a stand-alone framework.
Some UnitJS Code:
test.assert(myVar === true);

UI Testing

UI tests cover the most critical business value features in your website or application. Unlike other tests, such as unit and integration, UI automation may cross some or all boundaries of a functional operation.
Popular tools include SeleniumRobot FrameworkWatir (pronounced water), and Microsoft Coded UI (integrated into Visual Studio, supports IE only).
One type of UI test consists of filling out and submitting a form and then verifying that we get the correct outcome. For example, here is some sample Selenium code that searches the site and then confirms that the "meet-the-team" link is present:
def test_search(self):
        search_input = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector
               '#content input[type="text"]')
        search_input.send_keys('Meet the Team')
        search_submit = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
             '#content input[type="submit"]')


This article presented a few ways to test the various front-end components of a website. As it's much too broad a topic to adequately cover in one article, we will revisit each type of front-end testing in more detail at a future date.

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