Saturday, 27 July 2013

World famous Company Name Origin/Meaning….

1.Mercedes - Name of the daughter of the founder.
2.Nokia - Name of river in Finland.
3.Pepsi - Named from the digestive enzyme pepsin.
4.Honda - From the name of its founder Soichiro Honda.
5.Sony - from the Latin word 'sonus' meaningsound.
6.Maggi - Food company named after its founder,Julius Maggi
7.Suzuki - From the name of its founder, Michio Suzuki.
8.Samsung - Meaning 'three stars' in Korea.
9. Toyota - From the name of founder, Sakichi Toyoda.
10.Yamaha - After Torakusu Yamaha, who founded the company.
11.Adidas - From the name of the founder Adolf (Adi) Dassler (das).
12.Apple – For the favorite fruit of co-founder Steve Jobs.
13. BMW – Bayerische Motoren Werke, (Bavarian Motor Works).
14. Coca-Cola – derived from the coca leaves and kola nuts used as flavoring. Coca-Cola creator John S. Pemberton changed the 'K' of kola to 'C' to make the name look better

Friday, 26 July 2013


-> Core i3:
* Entry level processor.
* 2-4 Cores
* 4 Threads
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 3-4 MB Cache
* 32 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

-> Core i5:
* Mid range processor.
* 2-4 Cores
* 4 Threads
* Turbo Mode (turn off core if not used)
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 3-8 MB Cache
* 32-45 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

-> Core i7:
* High end processor.
* 4 Cores
* 8 Threads
* Turbo Mode (turn off core if not used)
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 4-8 MB Cache
* 32-45 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

Sunday, 21 July 2013


* HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
* HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol Secure.
* IP - Internet Protocol.
* URL - Uniform Resource Locator.
* USB - Universal Serial Bus.
* VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seized.
* 3G - 3rd Generation.
* GSM - Global System for Mobile
* CDMA - Code Divison Multiple
* UMTS - Universal Mobile
Telecommunication System.
* SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.
* AVI = Audio Video Interleave
* RTS = Real Time Streaming
* SIS = Symbian OS Installer File
* AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
* JAD = Java Application Descriptor
* JAR = Java Archive
* JAD = Java Application Descriptor
* 3GPP = 3rd Generation
Partnership Project
* 3GP = 3rd Generation Project
* MP3 = MPEG player lll
* MP4 = MPEG-4 video file
* AAC = Advanced Audio Coding
* GIF = Graphic Interchangeable
* JPEG = Joint Photographic
* BMP = Bitmap
* SWF = Shock Wave Flash
* WMV = Windows Media Video
* WMA = Windows Media Audio
* WAV = Waveform Audio
* PNG = Portable Network
* DOC = Document (Microsoft
* PDF = Portable Document Format
* M3G = Mobile 3D Graphics
* M4A = MPEG-4 Audio File
* NTH = Nokia Theme (series 40)
* THM = Themes (Sony Ericsson)
* MMF = Synthetic Music Mobile
Application File
* NRT = Nokia Ringtone
* XMF = Extensible Music File
* WBMP = Wireless Bitmap Image
* DVX = DivX Video
* HTML = Hyper Text Markup
* WML = Wireless Markup
* CD - Compact Disk.
* DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.
* CRT - Cathode Ray Tube.
* DAT - Digital Audio Tape.
* DOS - Disk Operating System.
* GUI - Graphical User Interface.
* HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer
* IP - Internet Protocol.
* ISP - Internet Service Provider.
* TCP - Transmission Control
* UPS - UninterruptiblePower
* HSDPA - High Speed Downlink
Packet Access.
* EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for
GSM[Global System for Mobile
Communication] Evolution.
* VHF - Very High Frequency.
* UHF - Ultra High Frequency.
* GPRS - General Packet Radio
* WAP - Wireless Application
* TCP - Transmission Control
Protocol .
* ARPANET - Advanced Research
Project Agency Network.
* IBM - International Business
* HP - Hewlett Packard.
* AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency
* WLAN - Wireless Local Area

Short Name~~ Full Form or Abbreviations

C2C ~~Consumer to Consumer
CA ~~ Chartered Accountant
CAD ~~ Computer Aided Design
CAT ~~ Common Admission Test
CBI ~~Central Bureau of Investigation
CBSE ~~Central Board of Secondary Education
CDAC~~ Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing
CDMA ~~ Code Division Multiple Access
CEO ~~ Chief Executive Officer
CFSL~~ Central Forensic Science Laboratory
CGI ~~Common Gateway Interface
CIA~~ Central Intelligence Agency
CID~~ Criminal Investigation Department
CISC ~~Complex instruction-set computing
CITU ~~Centre of Indian Trade Unions
CNN ~~Cable News Network
COMSAT ~~Communications Satellite Corporation
COPRA ~~Consumer Protection Act
CORBA~~ Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CPI(M) ~~Communist Party of India / Marxist
CPWD~~ Central Public Works Department
CRIS ~ Centre for Railway Information System
CSIR ~~Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CTBT ~~Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CYMK ~~Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Kinda

Friday, 19 July 2013

Very Important & Useful full forms :

ADIDAS- All Day I Dream AboutSports
AUDI-Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
BMW- Baverian Motor Works
AMW- Asian Motor Works
GOOGLE- Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language of Earth
CNN-IBN- Cable News Network-Indian Broadcasting Network
VVS Laxman- Vengipurapu Venkata Sai Laxman
APJ Abdul Kalam- Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
MDH(Massala)- Mahashian Di Hatti
ISCON- International Society for Krishna Consciousness
LASER- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
i.e- id est (that is)
INTEL- Integrated Electronics
CMYK- Cyan Magenta Yellow Kinda(Black)
JPEG- Joint Photography Expert Group
EMI- Equated Monthly Instalments
WIPRO- Western Indian Products
DNA- Deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid
CBI- Central Bureau of Investigation
CAT- Common Admissiom Test
ATM- Automated Teller Machine
ISI- Indian Standard Institute
IPI- International Press Institute
AT&T- American telegraphic and Telephone Co. Ltd.
ICICI- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IDBI- Industrial Development Bank of India
FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation
HDFC- Housing Development Finance Corporation
VIRUS- Vital Information Resources Under Siege
OBC- Other Backward Classes
MPEG- Motion Picture Experts Groups
NAAC- National Assesment and Accreditation
PSLV- Polar Satelite Launch Vehicle
RADAR- Radio Detecting and Ranging
RDX- Research Department Explosive
MRF- Madras Rubber Factory
LML- Lohia Machines Limited
STD- Subscriber Trunk Dialling
TOEFL- Test of English as a Foreign Language
SENSEX- Sensitivity Index(of share price)
URL- Uniform Resource Locator
TVS- T.V Sundaram(Co-Fou nder)
BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation


Operating System:- is a program or software that control the computer hardware
Operating system provide the interface between user & computer hardware.

Function of Operating System:-
a. Resource management
b. Job management
c. Task management
d. Data management
e. Input / output management
f. Security of data


1.) ASSEMBLER:- are used to convert the low level language into machine language.
2.) COMPILER:- are used to convert the High level language into machine language. This check for error in the entire program & convert all the program into machine code
3.) INTERPRETER:- are used to convert High level language into machine language. & Interpretor check from error statement for one by one & convert the statement intomachine code.


Types of Programming Language:-
       a. Machine-Languag e
       b. Assemble Language
       a. Problem oriented
       b. Procedural:-
              I . Scripting
              II. Object-Oriented
              III. Structured Language C
c. Non Procedural


Types of Memory:-
1.) Main-memroy / Semi Conductor /
A. RAM (Volatie):- The content of this memory
will erased when we switch off power supply.
In this memory we currently working
a. Static b. Dynamic
B. ROM (Non-volatile): -The content of this
memory will not erased. Even when computer
is switch of.
2.) Secondary Memory:-
a. Hard disk
b. Floppy disk
c. Magnetic disk


C.P.U:- Central Processing Unit
C.M.O.S:- Complementary Metal Oxide
P.C.I:- Peripherals Component Interface
B.I.O.S:- Basic Input Output System
Mhz:- Mega Hetz or Ghz:- Giga Hetz
DIMM:- Dual In Memory Modules
D.D.R:- Doble Data Rate
U.S.B:- Universal Data Bus
F.D.D:- Floppy Disk Drive
SATA:- Serial Advance Technology Attachment
H.D.D:- Hard Disk Drive
P.O.S.T:- Power On Self Test
P.G.N:- Pin Grid Array
E.P.P:- Enhanced Parallel Port
E.C.P:- Extended Capabilities’ Port
F.S.B:- Front Side Bus
L.C.D:- Liquid Crystal Display
T.F.T:- Thin Film Transistor
S.C.S.I :- Small Computer System Interface
P.S.U:- Power Supply Unit
R.P.M:- Rotation Per Minutes


* AVI = Audio Video Interleave
* RTS = Real Time Streaming
* SIS = Symbian OS Installer File
* AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
* JAD = Java Application Descriptor
* JAR = Java Archive
* JAD = Java Application Descriptor
* 3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership
* 3GP = 3rd Generation Project
* MP3 = MPEG player lll
* MP4 = MPEG-4 video file
* AAC = Advanced Audio Coding
* GIF = Graphic Interchangeable
* JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert
* BMP = Bitmap
* SWF = Shock Wave Flash
* WMV = Windows Media Video
* WMA = Windows Media Audio
* WAV = Waveform Audio
* PNG = Portable Network Graphics
* DOC = Document (Microsoft
* PDF = Portable Document Format
* M3G = Mobile 3D Graphics
* M4A = MPEG-4 Audio File
* NTH = Nokia Theme (series 40)
* THM = Themes (SonyEricsson)
* MMF = Synthetic Music Mobile
Application File
* NRT = Nokia Ringtone
* XMF = Extensible Music File
* WBMP = Wireless Bitmap Image
* DVX = DivX Video
* HTML = Hyper Text Markup
* WML = Wireless Markup Language
* CD - Compact Disk.
* DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.
* CRT - Cathode Ray Tube.
* DAT - Digital Audio Tape.
* DOS - Disk Operating System.
* GUI - Graphical User Interface.
* HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
* IP - Internet Protocol.
* ISP - Internet Service Provider.
* TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.
* UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.
* URL - Uniform Resource Locator.
* USB - Universal Serial Bus.
* VIRUS - Vital Information Resource
Under Seized.
* 3G - 3rd Generation.
* GSM - Global System for Mobile
* CDMA - Code Divison Multiple
* UMTS - Universal Mobile
Telecommunicati on System.
* SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.
* HSDPA - High Speed Downlink
Packet Access.
* EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for
GSM [ Global System for Mobile
Communication] Evolution.
* VHF - Very High Frequency.
* UHF - Ultra High Frequency.
* GPRS - General Packet Radio
* WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.
* TCP - Transmission Control
Protocol .
* ARPANET - Advanced Research
Project Agency Network.
* IBM - Internation Business Machine
* HP - Hewlett Packard.
* AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency
* WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

So why did they decide to call it Java (Prog. Language)?

James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991.

The language was initially called Oak after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling's office; it went by the name Green later, and was later renamed Java, from Java coffee, said to be consumed in large quantities by the language's creators.

Cognizant: Keep Challenging

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Top 10 most popular programming languages

1) C language
2) C++
3) Java
4) C#
5) VB.NET(Visual Basic. NET)
6) PHP
7) JavaScript
8 ) Perl
9) Python
10) Ruby

Abbreviation of major IT companies.......!!!

GOOGLE :- Global Organisation Of Oriented Group Language of Earth

APPLE:- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment

HP :- Hewlett-Packard

IBM:- International Business Machines Corporation

HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited

WIPRO:- Western India Product Limited

GE:-General Electronics

INFOSYS:-Information System

TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services

AOL:- American Online

BPL:- British Process Laboratory

INTEL:- Integrated Electronics

CISCO:- Computer Information System Company
via >
DELL:- michael DELL

SONY:-Sound Of New York

AMD:- Advance micro devices

LENOVO:- LE(Legend),NOVO(New)

COMPAQ:- Compatibility And Quality


(1) Key board — Herman Hollerith, first keypunch device in 1930’s

(2) Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley (1947 - 1948)

(3) RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)

(4) Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)

(5) Hard Disk — IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )

(6) Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958)

(7) Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)

(8) Laser printer— Gary Stark weather at XEROX in 1969.

(9) Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart & IBM( 1970)

(10) Microprocessor — Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004

Monday, 15 July 2013

What is PSTN?

Public switched telephone network. Basically the normal phone network, or land line.
PSTN is a ‘hard wired’ connection which on industrial premises is usually routed through the switchboard. Past experience shows that it can be very difficult to get a PSTN connection in the depths of the manufacturing plant. These connections are also unreliable with people unplugging cables and reassigning lines within the switchboard. Remote telemetry units use the telephone line very little compared so when the administrator analyses phone line use sees little or sometimes no activity and assumes it is no longer in use and cancels it.
For these reasons we recommend wireless data acquisition solutions, therefore ensuring the long term reliability of your remote monitoring system.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a set of CCITT/ITU standards for digital transmission over ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other media. Home and business users who install an ISDN adapter (in place of a telephone modem) receive Web pages at up to 128 Kbps compared with the maximum 56 Kbps rate of a modem connection. ISDN requires adapters at both ends of the transmission so your access provider also needs an ISDN adapter. ISDN is generally available from your phone company in most urban areas in the United States and Europe. In many areas where DSL and cable modem service are now offered, ISDN is no longer as popular an option as it was formerly.
There are two levels of service: the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), intended for the home and small enterprise, and the Primary Rate Interface (PRI), for larger users. Both rates include a number of B-channels and a D-channels. Each B-channel carries data, voice, and other services. Each D-channel carries control and signaling information.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Important abbreviations related to internet

FM –> Frequency Modulation
SIM –> Subscriber Identity Module
RIM –> Removable Identity Module
GSM –> Global System For Mobile
LAN –> Local Area Network
WAN –> Wide Area Network
RTE –> Rich Text Format
MAN –> Metropolitan Area Network
URL –> Uniform Resource Locator
ISP –> Inter Net Service Provide
@ –> At The Rate Of
DVD –> Digital Versatile Disk
CD –> Compact Disk
EDGE –> Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution
GPRS –> General Packet Radio Service
FDM –> Frequency Division Multiplexing
SDR –> Software Defined Radio
ATM –> Asynchronous Transfer Mode
DCA –> Dynamic Channel Allocation
FCA –> Fixed Channel Allocation
AMPS –> Advance Mobile Phone System
IMTS –> Improved Mobile Telephone System
CDMA –> Code Division
MTSO –> Mobile Telephone Switching
HTTP –> Hypertext Transfer Protocol
FIDI –> Fiber Distributed Data Interface
ISDN –> Integrated Services Digital
PSTN –> Public Switched Telephone Network
CSMA –> Carrier Sense Multiple Access
RADAR –> Radio Detection AndRanging
SONET –> Synchronous Optical Fiber Network
DAMPS –> Digital Advanced Mobile
Phone System
WWW –> World Wide Web
IP –> Internet Protocol
TCP –> Transmission Control Protocol
HTML –> HyperText Markup Language
USB –> Universal Serial Bus
PAN -> Personal Area Network
TDM -> Time Division Multiplexing.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Founder and Headquarters

1) Nokia: 
Founder - Fredrik Indestam and Leo Mechelin 
Headquarters - Finland.

2) Apple: 
Founder - Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
Headquarters - California U.S.

3) HTC:
Founder - Cher Wang, HT Chou and Peter Chou
Headquarters - Taiwan.

4) Sony:
Founder - Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita
Headquarters - Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

5) Micromax:
Founder - Rajesh Agarwal, Sumeet Arora, Rahul Sharma and Vikas Jain
Headquarters - Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

6) LG:
Founder - Koo In-Hwoi
Headquarters - Seoul, South Korea.

7) Samsung:
Founder - Lee Byung-Chull
Headquarters - Korea.

8) Motorola:
Headquaters - Schaumburg, Illinois, United States

9) Google :
The founders are Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Both are alumni of Stanford University. They were friends and Google was started as a Stanford University Project. To know better about them read the book "The Google Story". Its worth reading if you are fascinated by Google and its fascinating growth

10) Facebook :
Founder - Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.