Sunday 21 July 2013

Short Name~~ Full Form or Abbreviations

C2C ~~Consumer to Consumer
CA ~~ Chartered Accountant
CAD ~~ Computer Aided Design
CAT ~~ Common Admission Test
CBI ~~Central Bureau of Investigation
CBSE ~~Central Board of Secondary Education
CDAC~~ Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing
CDMA ~~ Code Division Multiple Access
CEO ~~ Chief Executive Officer
CFSL~~ Central Forensic Science Laboratory
CGI ~~Common Gateway Interface
CIA~~ Central Intelligence Agency
CID~~ Criminal Investigation Department
CISC ~~Complex instruction-set computing
CITU ~~Centre of Indian Trade Unions
CNN ~~Cable News Network
COMSAT ~~Communications Satellite Corporation
COPRA ~~Consumer Protection Act
CORBA~~ Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CPI(M) ~~Communist Party of India / Marxist
CPWD~~ Central Public Works Department
CRIS ~ Centre for Railway Information System
CSIR ~~Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CTBT ~~Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CYMK ~~Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Kinda

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