Sunday 1 April 2018

Memory leaks in Java

Memory leaks in Java :
In C, programmers totally control allocation and deallocation of dynamically created objects. And if a programmer does not destroy objects, the memory leak happens in C,
Java does automatic Garbage collection. However, there can be situations where garbage collector does not collect objects because there are references to them. There might be situations where an application creates lots of objects and does not use them. Just because every object has valid references, the garbage collector in Java can’t destroy the objects. Such types of useless objects are called as Memory leaks. If allocated memory goes beyond the limit, the program will be terminated by rising OutOfMemoryError. Hence if an object is no longer required, it is highly recommended to make that object eligible for the garbage collector. Otherwise, We should use some tools that do memory management to identifies useless objects or memory leaks like:
  • HP OVO
  • JProbe
  • IBM Tivoli
// Java Program to illustrate memory leaks
import java.util.Vector;
public class MemoryLeaksDemo
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vector v = new Vector(214444);
        Vector v1 = new Vector(214744444);
        Vector v2 = new Vector(214444);
        System.out.println("Memory Leaks");
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exceed

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